About Us
History of the Company
In 2013, Kristina Benza became CEO of County Fabricators. Over the course of 18 months, she has taken the company to new heights. The business has grown with a variety of customers. In the first quarter of 2014, County Fabricators began an extensive marketing effort under Kristina’s leadership culminating in a relationship with Tappan Zee Constructors building the New Tappan Zee Bridge. Throughout 2014, County Fabricators was able to grow and gain customers’ confidence. Their customer base includes giants such as KiewitWeeksMassman, Tappan Zee Constructors, Skanska Kiewit JV, CW Brown, Tangram, Tutor Perini, and many more.
In January 2015, after 12 months of hard work to get their quality control and production standards consistent with AISC guidelines, County Fabricators was able to secure AISC Certification in the Simple Bridge, Bridge Components and Building Structure category. Additionally, County Fabricators has been certified as an AWS Certified Welding Fabricator.
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County Fabricators
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At County Fabricators the customer always comes first. We offer all our customers unbridled satisfaction on the fabrication and delivery of all our products, the quality of our workmanship, and complete customer service from order development through shop drawings, fabrication and delivery. County Fabricators offers turn-key service with accountability and professionalism at its foundation.